Frequently Asked Questions about BAC Reopening:
Last updated 17 October 2022
What time are BAC services and do I need to be vaccinated?
Our Sunday services are 8am, 10:30am and 5pm. Our midweek service is Thursday 10am.
Do I need to book a place to attend BAC services?
No. We are simply encouraging you to arrive early for your service time.
What time are BAC services and do I need to be vaccinated?
With the state governments relaxation of restrictions on the 15th December 2022, vaccination status no longer needs to be checked at any church service.
Do I have to wear a mask?
Masks are no longer compulsory in churches from 11:59pm on Friday 25th February (we are implicitly included in the 22/2 Victorian announcement).
You are welcome to optionally choose to wear a mask.
Do I have to QR checkin with a smartphone?
QR checkin at churches is no longer required from Friday 18th February. (implicit in 17/2 Victorian announcement)
What hygiene and safety measures are there?
BAC has a COVID safe plan and everything we do attempts in good faith to implement the current Victorian government and denominational regulations.
In our foyer we have a hospital grade air purifier (with HEPA filter) running continously. We have multiple fans and airconditioning units running in our main seating area for strong ventilation. When weather permits we leave external doors and windows open.
One of the most critical things we can do is to respect the physical space of others by distancing carefully. Also please stay home if you have any symptoms and follow the Victorian stay safe guidelines.
Will there be morning tea and a chance for fellowship?
Yes we are able to serve drinks and food in a manner that is COVID safe, and have procedures in place to enable this to be served safely. Each service will work out whether they have drinks and food based on volunteer availability.
Every service will have ample time for fellowship, connecting with others, and meeting new people. This is really important after so much time in lockdown!
Will there be a Sunday school for children?
Yes there is primary age Sunday school at the 10:30am service. Please speak to one of the staff for more information.
Families with children are always very welcome to have them participate in the entire service in the pews. BYO Kids Bibles!
Will there be Holy Communion at BAC?
Yes there will be the Lord’s Supper according to the previously existing patterns.
The Thursday 10am and Sunday 8am will have weekly communion. The 10:30am service will have communion on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. The 5pm service will have communion on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
Communion will be served with bread and grape juice in individual cups (no common cup). All baptised believers are welcome to walk down the aisle to receive standing. The volunteers assisting will use hand sanitiser. There are no communion rails and limited points of touch or contact.
Will there be hymn books or service orders?
Yes at our traditional services (Sunday 8am + Thursday 10am) we are now carefully using hymn books and service cards. Please use hand sanitiser and do not share them with others within a service.
Will there be congregational singing as part of the worship at BAC gatherings?
Yes, government guidelines allow for singing.