Berwick Anglican Church has a partnership with 6 mission partners that align with our values and mission. We commit to praying for these mission partners and supporting them financially as a part of our church’s giving. Our BAC mission partners are:

Chris and Julie Dean (CMS Missionaries in Timor-Leste) – For a long time we have partnered with CMS (the Church Missionary Society) supporting cross cultural and overseas gospel ministry. Recently we began supporting Chris & Julie Dean who have been sent to work in Timor Leste. You can find their latest prayer updates here. (Watch their latest update here)

The Bush Church Aid SocietyThe Bush Church Aid Society supports gospel ministry throughout regional and remote Australia. In Victoria the regional director is Adrian Lane who has visited us often and who cares for sponsored individuals across Victoria. Prayer notes for the Bush Church Aid Society can be found here.

Compassion AustraliaCompassion seeks to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. At BAC we have roughly 70 children sponsored through members, you can sponsor a child through Compassion here. For some ways you can pray for Compassion and the sponsored children click here.

Barnabas AidBarnabas Aid works to provide hope and aid for the persecuted Church, from Christians, to Christians, through Christians. You can find prayer notes to pray for the persecuted church here.

Njabulo and Sinabo Sithole in Sobantu, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa (a church in the Reformed Evangelical Anglican Church of South Africa) – For the last 10 years we have partnered with this South African church and pastor. Members of our congregation have special connections with the South African Church. We give to them and pray for them regularly. This partnership is mediated through ARDFA (Anglican Relief and Development Fund).

Ridley Theological CollegeRidley College trains and equips people theologically to serve in gospel ministry. They are an essential element in training faithful pastors for our Diocese and beyond, and have been a part of the training of our ministry team.

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