Catalogue of Bible Studies

As a church we make our bible study materials freely available for other churches and individual Christians to use in deepening their understanding of the Word of God and encouraging growth in Christian maturity and community life.

Term 4 (2023)
Daniel (chapters 1–9) studies.
Term 3 (2023)
Exodus 19–20
Term 2 (2023)
Term 1 (2023)
Genesis 1–12
Term 4 (2022)
Exodus 1–20
Term 3 (2022)
Luke 11–13
Term 2 (2022)
Term 1 (2022)
Term 4 (2021)
Term 3 (2021)
1 Thessalonians
Term 2 (2021)
Various Options
Term 1 (2021)
John 5–7
Term 4 (2020)
Term 3 (2020)
Luke 9–11
Term 2 (2020)
1 Corinthians
Term 1 (2020)
1 Corinthians
Term 3 (2019)
Term 2 (2019)
2 Samuel
Term 1 (2019)
Luke 7–8

BAC Bible Study Group Covenant Template (an optional resource for the beginning of the year)

Older Bible Studies

Term 1 (2018) Series: “Nehemiah: Restoring the Kingdom
Study 1 – Trusting in God’s Restoration (Nehemiah 1 & 2:1-8)
Study 2 – Acting on God’s Restoration (Nehemiah 2:9-20)
Study 3 – Facing Opposition to God’s Restoration (Nehemiah 4)
Study 4 – Living God’s Restoration (Nehemiah 5)
Study 5 – The Foundation of God’s Restoration (Nehemiah 8:1-12)
Study 6 – Entering God’s Restoration (Nehemiah 9 & 10)
Study 7 – Semper Reformanda (Nehemiah 13)

Term 3 (2017) Series: “2 Corinthians: Strength in Weakness
Study 1 – Background to Second Corinthians
Study 2 – The Aroma of the Gospel
Study 3 – Gazing on God’s Glory
Study 4 – Treasure in Jars of Clay
Study 5 – Heavenly Housing Estates (2 Corinthians 5:1-10)
Study 6 – Compelled to Reconcile (2 Corinthians 5:11-21)
Study 7 – Spirit Filled Living (2 Corinthians 6)
Study 8 – Godly sorrow without regret (2 Corinthians 7:2-16)

Term 4 (2016) Series: “The Lord’s Prayer
Study 1 – Our Father in Heaven
Study 2 – Hallowed Be Your Name
Study 3 – Your Kingdom Come
Study 4 – Give Us Our Daily Bread
Study 5 – Forgive Us Our Sins
Study 6 – Deliver Us From Evil
Study 7 – Yours is the Kingdom

Term 3 (2015) Series: “Courageous Christian Living – Daniel”
STUDY 1 Daniel 1 – Drawing the Line in a Pagan Society
STUDY 2 Daniel 2 – God and Global Politics
STUDY 3 Daniel 3 – Spiritual Courage Under Fire
STUDY 4 Daniel 4 – Sovereign Over the Kingdoms of Men
STUDY 5 Daniel 5 – The Writing is on the Wall
STUDY 6 Daniel 6 – Maintain Allegiance To Your God
STUDY 7 Daniel 7 – One Like A Son of Man
STUDY 8 Daniel 8 – Appalled By A Vision
STUDY 9 Daniel 9 – Powerful Confession

Term 3 (2014) Series: “Rescued for Relationship – The Ten Commandments”
STUDY 1 No Other Gods But Me
STUDY 2 You Shall Not Make Idols
STUDY 3 Shall Not Misuse The LORDs Name
STUDY 4 Remember The Sabbath
STUDY 5 Honour Your Father and Mother
STUDY 6 You Shall Not Murder
STUDY 7 You Shall Not Commit Adultery
STUDY 8 You Shall Not Steal
STUDY 9 You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbour
STUDY 10 You Shall Not Covet

Term 1 (2014) Series: “John’s Gospel – That You May Know Jesus is King”
STUDY 1 John 13 The Full Extent of Jesus Love
STUDY 2 John 14 We Will Make Our Home With You
STUDY 3 John 15a Bear Much Fruit
STUDY 4 John 15b No Greater Love
STUDY 5 John 15-16 You Must Testify
STUDY 6 John 16 The Work of the Spirit
STUDY 7 John 16b Take Heart I Have Overcome
STUDY 8 John 17a A Glorious Prayer

Term 4 (2013) Series: “Philippians: Let Joy Overflow in Christ”
STUDY 1 Let Love Abound in Knowledge of Christ
STUDY 2 To Live is Christ Philippians 1 12-30
STUDY 3 The Great Humiliation and Exaltation of Christ Philippians 2 1-13
STUDY 4 Shine Like Stars Philippians 2 14-30
STUDY 5 Drop Rubbish – Christ is the Goal Phil 3
STUDY 6 Citizenship Is In Heaven Philippians 3 17-4
STUDY 7 Rejoice in the Lord Always Phil 4

Term 2 (2013) Series: “What We Believe – The Nicene Creed
STUDY 1 We Believe in One God
STUDY 2 We Believe in One Lord Jesus Christ
STUDY 3 We Believe in the Incarnation
STUDY 4 We Believe in the Death And Resurrection Of Jesus
STUDY 5 We Believe in the Holy Spirit
STUDY 6 We Believe In The Trinity
STUDY 7 We Believe Jesus Will Come Again
STUDY 8 We Believe In One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church
STUDY 9 We Acknowledge One Baptism for the Forgiveness of Sins
STUDY 10 We Believe In the Resurrection of the Dead

Term 1 (2013) Series: “Surprising Salvation – Isaiah’s Prophecy
STUDY 1 Isaiah 1 – Why will you continue to rebel
STUDY 2 Isaiah 6 – Holy Holy Holy is the Lord
STUDY 3 Isaiah 38 1-21 – I Have Heard Your Prayer
STUDY 4 Isaiah 40 – The Lord is the Everlasting God
STUDY 5 Isaiah 55 – Seek The Lord
STUDY 6 Isaiah 61 The Year of the Lord’s Favour
STUDY 7 Isaiah 65 The New Heavens and the New Earth

Term 4 (2012) Series: Genesis 4-12 “Life After Eden”
STUDY 1 Genesis 4 Life After Eden
STUDY 2 Genesis 6-7 – A Flood of Judgement
STUDY 3 Genesis 9 – A Covenant of Grace
STUDY 4 Genesis 11 – Faulty Towers
STUDY 5 Genesis 12 – The Birth of the People of God

Earlier Studies

Previous studies are available for download and are listed below. Each series, between 3 and 16 individual study sheets, some have been zipped together to simplify downloading.

Old Testament

EstherStudy 1Study 2Study 3Study 4Study 5Study 6Study 7
ExodusStudy 1Study 2Study 3Study 4Study 5Study 6Study 7Study 8Study 9Study 10Study 11Study 12Study 14
MalachiStudy 1Study 2Study 3

New Testament

1 CorinthiansStudy 1Study 2Study 3Study 4Study 5Study 6Study 7Study 8Study 9
2 CorinthiansStudy 1Study 2Study 3Study 4Study 5Study 6Study 7Study 8Study 9Study 10Study 11Study 12Study 13Study 14Study 15Study 16
HebrewsClick Here
JohnClick Here
MarkStudy 1Study 2Study 3Study 4Study 5Study 6Study 7Study 8Study 10Study 12Study 13
RevelationPart 1 (2010) – Part 2 (2011) – Study 1Study 2Study 3Study 4Study 5 – Part 3 (2011) – Study 1Study 2Study 3Study 4Study 5

Other Studies

God’s Love in ActionStudy 1Study 2Study 3Study 4Study 5Study 6
Putting The Bible TogetherStudy 1Study 2Study 3Study 4Study 5Study 6
Running_the_RaceStudy 1Study 2Study 3

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