Christ Church Berwick

Anglican worship services began in Berwick in 1867 in the Presbyterian church building. In 1877 a dedicated building was built on the corner of Church and Palmerston Streets.

In response to high population growth in the area, in 1995 a much larger church building was built on adjacent property and the old church was subsequently sold and is in private use today.

2017 150th History of BAC Book

This 2017 parish history written by Neil Lucas is available for purchase from the church office.

On the 30th October 2016 we celebrated 150 years of Anglican Worship in Berwick. You can listen to three testimonies that were shared on the day below:

1977 History of the Parish Document

As part of our centenary a booklet was produced documenting our history to that point.

The booklet is available for download in three parts:

100 Years of Christ Church Berwick Part 1 (PDF)

100 Years of Christ Church Berwick Part 2 (PDF)

100 Years of Christ Church Berwick Part 3 (PDF)

Other historical documents of interest:

BAC History and Displays Pamphlet September 2012 (6.8MB PDF)

History Book of the Christ Church Berwick Flower Show – 2005 (PDF)

A photo montage of some of the BAC flower shows displays.

The Great War (WW1) Roll of Honour by the old Boys of Berwick Grammar School, previously located in Christ Church Berwick now located in the Berwick RSL:

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