Fitness 4 Blokes was formed in August 2012 and each Saturday morning several men workout together from 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 a.m. The group normally trains in the Berwick Anglican Church hall, but during the warmer months takes the opportunity to exercise outside as much as possible, either in the church grounds or at a local park.

Each week the group members are informed of the training location by email or the Fitness 4 Blokes Facebook group page, which all members are invited to join.

The group is open to men aged 18 to 55 from within and outside the church. There are no fees charged as this is a free service to the church and the broader community, but participants are asked to buy their own set of boxing gloves and focus pads. Potential new members are asked to complete a PAR Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire) form before joining the group to determine if they need to see a Doctor before commencing. An Informed Consent form explaining the activities in more detail including the risks should also be read and signed before joining.

Files for downloading and printing:

The workouts normally include basic boxing/ kickboxing focus pad drills alongside circuit training and high intensity interval training featuring body weight exercises, dumb bells, kettle bells, medicine balls and power ropes, etc. The workouts are led by an experienced fitness and kickboxing instructor who has tertiary qualifications in Human Movement and is also a certified PunchFit trainer.

Participants are encouraged to exercise at their own level and all fitness levels can be accommodated for ranging from the complete beginner to the hard core exerciser.

For more information please join the Facebook group or email the Senior Pastor,

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